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#aflahaliajunior #AyraMedinaAflah

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

20th Day

Dh 20 hari aku kawen, mcm tak caye je..Tgh hri td tgk Mahligai Cinta..bende yg terkilan, inai..cantikkkkkkkk inai that bride 😔 knp la mine xjd cantik mcm tu..?
Tu je la..yg lain, alhamdulillah..puas hati..

*tbe tbe nk luah prasaan plak. Sbb xcye aku ni sbnrnye dh kawen ☺️*

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


thats also tough part in my married life

when u got married, each and everyone around you expect that u gonna start cooking. 
can u imagine me cooking? well..i can cook..just that i dont really good in cooking. i recently learn how to cook the rice and i perfectly made it! i can only cook simple simple dish like black pepper beef..fried veges..fried fish..chicken..all those sambal sambal dish..okey laaaa..but surely cant cook for others.
but i cant cook curries..all those gulai..hahahah!



do pray for me ya.. :)


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ibu First Visit

thats the most nervous time! even more than the one i got during my scholarship interview!
and yep, ibu came last week; for a wedding and my lil bro finale night

me and Aflah went to the airport to pick her up who flew from KK for work. then we went back straight home. haha! her first impression? i think, she think that i got nice place..hahahah! she didnt say much, so that means that it is okay..hihiks! yay!

a day before & the day
i was cleaning up sooooooo hard! sweeping, mopping! spraying the Febreeze here and there..then there and here some more..
thanks to the inventor! i love you for that! the smelly smelly really go away u know..

* * *

Sunday, 25 October 2015

we went out around 930 am straight to Shah Alam for brekkie. Ibu seriously ate a lot! first, she got the Nasi Kerabu, then Laksam, lastly..Nasi Lemak..
also same goes to Aflah!
then we went to look for money change for my bro..
we went to a Klang..
maaaaaakan lagi!
some of Ibu's friends could not attend my wedding, so they congratulate me as well. malu pulak..we were there for other's wedding and people congratulate me as well..kuat lak tuh ckp..sume pun pandang (-.-) segan ceqqqq..

then later after Maghrib, we went to Cheras for my lil bro finale night. the last night we gonna see him because he is taking off on the next day.
sebak tgk my not-so-lil-bro..i am superbly proud of him. he was dancing all night. he seems to have a great time. im happy for him too :)

when its time to say goodbye, again..i cried..gonna miss my lil bro..
tp xpe sha Allah, everything gonna be fine..
im gonna see him after 52days..

til then,

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ready ke Tak Ready (Part III)

so now da smggu lbh jd bini org ni..

hmmm..mcm mcm la rse..

sbb i start from zero..xpandai masak..melipat baju..mengemas umah..hari yg baru pindah masuk rumah baru, Ya ampunnnnn..gile penatnye! Mr.Saranghae g keje..tggl la sang isteri kt rumah..mengemas..sapu mop lantai bagai..lipat baju..
dlu basuh baju, 10 helai tu da byk dh tuh..skrg ni, double! basuh okay lg la sbb ade machine yg tlg..LIPAT? haaaaaa thats the tough part! byk lak tuh! menggile la aku melipat..tu pun smpi skrg xhbs hbs lg melipat. tau la knp melipat tu SUSAH sgt sgt sgt?!

dlu bgn kul 10..then trus kuar g kje kul 11pg..skrg ni, bgn kul 6, kejut laki g keje..crikan sluar kje die..bancuh air utk die..then tnye nk breakfast ke, nk bwak bekal far, all he's asking was sandwich..xkesah la tuna ke..sardin ke..telur ke..then, cek beg die make sure sume ade..kad kje la, beg vape die bute tu jugak la bru nk crikan stokin die 😔 then send him off kt pintu..

tutup je pintu, trus lompat atas katil balik..golek kiri golek kanan, mne bleh tdo dh..then mule la bukak lappy review thesis..buat notes sket..check email..sambil sambil tu buat laundry..then kalau rajin buat breakfast..
ade je hari yg lps je Mr.Saranghae g kje, trus tdo balik..then xsedar Mr.Saranghae whatsapp ckp da smpi tmpt kje 🙈 hahaha! bgn bgn da kul 12..

These things are still new to me. Tak pernah terfikir this things will come too fast..
Ready ke..tak ready ke..dah its time to change..klu kawen lmbt lg pun, more time to improve ourselves right?

Same same lah doakan yg terbaik..

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ready ke Tak Ready (Part II)

a day after jd bini org ni, still kt umah TokMek, where Ibu is still there as well as TokMek and aunties and xde la rse that responsibility yet..bgn pg pun Ibu yg kejut, then breakfast da ade atas meje..air pun da bancuh..tinggal hidangkan je..

4th day after, we decided to go back. but kne la pitstop kt Kerteh dlu..definitely new experience..dlu dtg as dtg as menantu..jumpe pulak sis in law, bro in law..nephews..nieces..
ade anak buah sorg ni, Yaya for short..really really loves to smile at me..pandang je sengeh..haha! so cute! i though i will be tough for them to accept me as a new family member, but then everything was fine. i got along well.

i didnt do much. honestly i didnt do anything. everything was done by my mother in law. she's the oe who went out to get me drinks, then the next morning, she got us breakfast..hihihi! i guess thats how it is. 

dh la bgn pun kul 8 that morning. hmm..Ibu mmg byk kali pesan, pandai pandai bawak diri kt tempat org. jgn perangai tak snonoh..hahaha!

sampai je rumah, trus kemas brg. we brought back all of the presents we got during our wedding day. seriously byk and most of them are glass bowls and a glass set. so we put them nicely in the cupboard in the kitchen. penuh weyh! 

sambil sambil tu buat laundry..sapu rumah..mop sket..penat sgt sgt sgt! menggile penat nye! then Mr.Saranghae have to work double shift for 2 that left me cleaning and tidying up the house alone..i wont ask for bigger house. it was tiring enough for me! 

then bile da duduk berdua ni baru la get that new environment..nk kne mengemas..nk kne masak..nk kne buat laundry..nk kne lipat baju..TOTALLY TIRING! nasib la blom keje btl btl lg..and still ade la mse sket utk buat sume tu..


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Ready ke Tak Ready?

ni bru seminggu lbh kawen bru nk fikir pasal ni

actually, kami plan nk kawen thn dpn..bln March..
tp bile dah bgtau Ibu, then Ibu pulak bgtau adik bradik die and ask for opinions, maka ter-set lah tarikh sarung cincin, tarikh nikah, and tarikh sanding..


hmmm..rase rase nye..?

mesti la terkejut. sume org kalau boleh mmg nk kawen kan? tp bile sume berlalu sepantas kilat, sy trime je la dgn hati terbuka. nk buat bende baik kan? aidilfitri hri tu trus set tarikh sarung cincin 08.08.15..then trus set date utk nikah 10.10.15
dlm kepale ni time tu, "sempat ke nk settle sume before 10.10 ni?" yela, kursus tak attend lg..HIV pun xbuat lg. bile google, org ckp n kne buat appointment la..ini laaa..itu la..da settle kursus and HIV test, bab borang pulokkkkk -.-
Alhamdulillah, part perempuan xpyah byk fikir sbb sume Pok Su tlg settle kan. Tang lelaki je la yg leceh sket..nk borang akuan bujang from company, then nk kne isi pulak borang akuan permastautin, then baru lah boleh isi borang kebenaran nk nikah..lepas settle borang2 tu sume, bwak g Pejabat Agama Islam Selangor, xsmpi 15 minit SETTLED! can u believe that? tgk review org lain yg nk kawen, kne buat 3bln before tarikh nikah la..ini laaa..itu laaaa..
Alhamdulillah..Allah permudahkan segala urusan kebenaran nikah bg pihak lelaki..settle lelaki, pos pulak sume tu ke Kelantan, sbb nk nikah kt Kelantan (kampung Ibu kt Kelantan). 2 3 days after that, Pok Su whatsapp ckp borang da settle, and DA BOLEH KAWEN!

Syukur sekali lagi..Allah permudahkan segalanya..


bernikah la kami pada 10.10.15
sekali lafaz je

bile sah blakang da ketawa..sbb laju sgt! nmpk sgt la Mr.Saranghae tak tdo mlm nk mengingat lafaz tuh..honestly, bile saksi kate sah je, hati ni xde la sebak..slalu tgk video org nikah, yg pempuan mesti sebak..hihik! 

yg sebaknye..time Abah berjabat tangan dgn Mr.Saranghae..mcm pesan pesan la..mase tu, bercucuran air mate jatuh weyyyy..! hati ni kalau berkenaan Abah, mmg cpt sket tersentuh..selepas ape yg terjadi kan, mmg prasaam ni bercampur baur..dah la lepas nikah Abah trus smpi di situ je la..

lepas settle sume hal kt Kelantan, baru la balik Kerteh, tdo smlm kt sane..then singgah Kuantan on our way back to KL. sampai je Kerteh, tertanjat sket bile tbe tbe je dpt title "Mak Ngah". hahahha! then ikot Mak Mertua g akad nikah sepupu Mr.Saranghae. mule mule mcm mls nk g..then, fikir fikir balik, boleh la klu Mak Mr.Saranghae nk kenalkan menantu baru ni kt keluarga sane kan..kehkehkehkeh! Okay laaaa..i had fun seeing new people..malu malu pun ade gak.. *wink wink wink*

i think thats for now
im surely will update more soon


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10.10.15 - pics

Ibu and my auntiesssss, and uncle..

Monday, October 12, 2015

