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#aflahaliajunior #AyraMedinaAflah

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New - Old Friend

hello people! 
so today, i want to introduce u'olls to this an old friend of mine. i knew him since my first semester during my diploma. we went to Rakan Masjid's event. i still remember, one the kids said "abg ni comel la. mcm toyol". i was SUPER DUPER laughing at him. haha!

well, this semester we got like almost the same timetable. so its kinda easy to hangout. we're in the same group for our assignments too. hmmm...thats why we're SUPER close this time. 

this photo is taken during our snacking time in PizzaHut Maju Junction. his treat. hehe!

and so, because of him, i got to know that every weekdays, there are promotions in PizzaHut. 
there are 50% discount on selected menu during specific day:

since i went there on Tuesday, i have no other option then taking the spaghetti. okey la..but not so my taste. so, do come according to ur fav menu's day. hehe! and its a good place to hangout too!
to know more on the details for this promotion, do visit the official website.

so, take care darlings! everything u do, do it right and enjoy it! 

x o x o

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  1. haha abg comel...aku kenal gak...entreprenuership skali..kui3

  2. haha! suke ko eh..die ni sudah berpunye lah!
